Monday, September 19, 2011

feed the birds, tuppence a bag

it has been a while since i felt as alive as i did this afternoon. no set plans, just a little random dry bread. perfect to feed the birds. went searching for birds to feed. 2 first places we had in mind none were there. we went elsewhere, beautiful location, no birds in sight. no ducks or geese. in the distance... sea gulls. too far, in the water, oh they will never come he thought. i threw one piece as far as i could, one floating gull looks. i throw one piece up high in the air with all my might. the gulls came, they spoke, cheered, searched and caught. i laughed, i smiled, we looked at each other. happiness, peace, joy overcame us. we both threw bread all over, with great energy. it felt great. so alive, so good. many came, not shy and followed, from all over, an experience. overwhelming with amazing feelings. we both reached for our phones for photos. neither of us brought a camera or a phone, was real funny, so many beautiful photos to be taken but embedded in memory forever and better captured with my eyes than any object. and what a blessing to have both left the phones at home. truly alone together, not bothered or disturbed. i cannot wait to do that again. found treasures, driftwood, took a walk, wrote int he sand and kissed beautifully as he held me so close and inlove. i cherish every single moment spent with him ♥

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